Day 2 - Mastering Basic Linux Commands πŸš€

Day 2 - Mastering Basic Linux Commands πŸš€


1 min read

Overview πŸ“‹

Today's challenge is all about getting comfortable with essential Linux commands. Let's dive in!

Present Working Directory πŸ“‚

To check your present working directory, use:

πŸ” Tip: This command reveals the directory you're currently operating in.

Listing Files and Directories πŸ“œ

Use the ls command with different options to explore your files and directories:

Navigating Directories πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ

Navigate through directories with cd:

1) cd path_to_directory : Change to a specific path

2) cd ~ : Change to home directory

3) cd - : Return to the last working directory

4) cd .. : Move one step back

5) cd ../.. : Move two levels back

Creating Nested Directories πŸ“

Create a nested directory structure with the mkdir command:

🌟 Pro Tip: The -p flag ensures the creation of parent directories if they don't exist.

\=> mkdir -p A/B/C/D/E : Create nested directories

Wrapping Up πŸŽ‰

Congratulations on conquering Day 2 of the 90 Days of DevOps Challenge! These Linux commands are fundamental for effective system navigation and file management. Keep exploring and stay tuned for more challenges ahead! πŸš€