Day 19 - Exploring Docker Volume & Network πŸš€

Day 19 - Exploring Docker Volume & Network πŸš€


4 min read

Greetings DevOps enthusiasts! 🌟 Today, let's unravel the magic of Docker Volume and Network to enhance our container orchestration skills. 🐳✨

Docker Volume: Storage Sorcery! πŸ“¦

What is Docker Volume - Javatpoint

Docker volumes act as secret chambers outside containers, preserving precious data like databases even when containers bid adieu. It's like having a vault that multiple containers can access, ensuring data immortality. πŸ’½

Docker Network: The Virtual Social Space! 🌐

Docker Networking. When you install docker it creates… | by Sumeet  Gyanchandani | Towards Data Science

Enter Docker networks – virtual hangout spots where containers mingle and chitchat. They form a communication bridge between containers and the host machine. 🀝 When containers talk, magic happens! Reference

install docker-compose:


  1. Run the following commands:

     sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

    This command downloads the latest version of Docker Compose.

  2. Apply executable permissions to the binary:

     sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  3. Verify the installation:

     docker-compose --version

Task-1: Multi-Container Symphony! 🎭

Creating a multi-container setup using Docker Compose is a breeze! Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Create a docker-compose.yml File:

     version: "3.9" # specify the version of the compose file format
     services: # define the services or containers that make up your application
       web: # name of the first service
         image: nginx # name of the image to use for this service
         ports: # list of ports to expose on the host machine
           - "80:80"
         volumes: # list of volumes to mount on this service
           - ./web:/usr/share/nginx/html # mount the ./web directory on the host as /usr/share/nginx/html in the container
         depends_on: # list of services that this service depends on
           - api # depend on the api service
       api: # name of the second service
         build: ./api # path to the directory containing the Dockerfile for this service
         environment: # list of environment variables to pass to this service
           - MONGO_URL=mongodb://db:27017/test # specify the URL for connecting to MongoDB
         ports: # list of ports to expose on the host machine
           - "3000:3000"
         depends_on: # list of services that this service depends on
           - db # depend on the db service
       db: # name of the third service
         image: mongo # name of the image to use for this service
         volumes: # list of volumes to mount on this service
           - db_data:/data/db # mount a named volume called db_data as /data/db in the container
     volumes: # define any named volumes used by the services
       db_data: # name of the volume for persisting database data

    Replace your-application-image and your-database-image with the actual images you want to use.

  2. Run Containers in Detached Mode:

     docker-compose up -d

    This starts your multi-container application in the background.

  3. Scale the Services (Optional):

     docker-compose scale app=3

    Adjust the number according to your needs. This showcases the power of scaling with Docker Compose!

  4. View Container Status:

     docker-compose ps

    Check the status of all containers. Ensure everything is up and running.

  5. View Service Logs:

     docker-compose logs web

    Review logs specific to the 'web' service. Useful for debugging or monitoring.

  6. Bring Down Containers:

     docker-compose down

    Stops and removes all containers, networks, and volumes associated with the application.

Task-2: Volume Ventures! πŸ“‚

Let's dive into the world of volumes:

  1. Create Docker Volumes:

     docker volume create my_shared_volume

    This creates a named volume named my_shared_volume.

  2. Run Containers with Shared Volume:

     docker run -d --name container1 --mount source=my_shared_volume,target=/app your-image
     docker run -d --name container2 --mount source=my_shared_volume,target=/app your-image

    Ensure to replace your-image with the actual image.

  3. Verify Data Consistency:

     docker exec container1 cat /app/data.txt
     docker exec container2 cat /app/data.txt

    Check if the data is consistent across both containers.

  4. List Volumes:

     docker volume ls

    Confirm the existence of the named volume.

  5. Remove Volume (After You're Done):

     docker volume rm my_shared_volume

Let's dive in, learn, and share the joy! 🌍✨

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